Profile Comments
Dear forum,

I have made this thread today to suggest adding the ability to post comments on the profiles of fellow members.
This is a feature I've found to be quite useful on other forum sites and it's a feature I personally enjoy having.
From my short search, it didn't seem like this had been suggested before.
I don't know what it would take to implement a profile comments feature, but I'm sure it would be worth it, maybe, probably, hopefully.

Best wishes
This has been something I've been meaning to add, but it's always nice to hear people actually have people ask for it! I think the only thing really preventing me from adding it just yet is that right now people wouldn't be able to delete comments from other people on their own profile.

inb4 ascii dicks
Disable ipv6 and become one with the ipv4 singularity
i will call all of you stinky
where there's a textbox there will be ascii dicks, this is an inevitability that i must accept
ascii squid men