Songs from your past that include some sort of slightly interesting backstory or note worthy comment
I couldn't think of a good answer to win's thread about regrettable previously liked songs so I made this one, post anything interesting that you used to listen to or whatever

I have really odd memories of this song back in 2010 and I'm not sure how I feel about it

Pretty sure my cousin showed me this music video like right when it came out, I used to listen to this all the time which is pretty hilarious

This song used to disturb the fuck out of me when I was like 12 and it still kinda does. I legitimately couldn't understand how anybody could like this song but now I can sort of see it

These are some examples, Ill likely post more later

I still remember when this song first hit radio, my dad bought Hybrid Theory when I was in kindergarten and this was the first new taste of Linkin Park. I was supposed to get Meteora on the day it came out but I was bad in school that day so my mom refused to take me, so I got Meteora the second day it was out. The dickhead at Sam Goody decided to flash all the swag I would've gotten if I had gone the day before in front of me...

The song that introduced me to Seether, even though I had seen the music video for Broken on Fuse a couple times beforehand. Also probably the first song that swore that my mom was okay with me listening to, as well as actively liked. Listened to this a lot in the hotel room while we were staying in Knoxville...

Speaking of Knoxville, we stayed there one day longer than the rest of the family. On that day, we went to see The Bourne Ultimatum and then when we got back in the car, this song came on from Kid Rock's yet-to-be-released new album. I later bought her this album as a birthday gift.

According to my mom, I used to know every single lyric to this song and rap along to it perfectly in the back seat of her car. I can only remember key words of this nowadays, but it's still a bop...

Back in the day, my dad was generally working on a friend of his's house and we would drive other there every weekend. This was when I was first starting to listen to the hit stations and this song was in heavy rotation. Then, all of a sudden, a year later, the Pussycat Dolls rerecorded this song and I always hated the new version, especially now that I know that the labels screwed the original artist out of this one...

As a kid, I hated the fuck out of this song. Mainly because it was in heavy rotation and it would be blasted by the babysitter I hated, who would intentionally change the channel to shit I didn't like just to be a bitch. As I've grown older, I've come to love the song and Staind in general, and I find it funny that I had such an adamant backlash to this.
Dying of boredom, I'll try it all...