
man i remember being excited for brave back in 2013, signed up for the beta and everything hoping for a new engine and shit ready to add some more competition.
then i opened it and it was just another rebranded chromium and my dreams along with my smile were dead after already having taken an impact with the demise of presto opera.
brave is botnet spyware. they lie to their users about privacy. they give zero friggs about privacy. in fact their adblock only blocks all ads expct theirs. on top of that they launch fake donation pages for creators without their concent. the creators get $0 from brave
please dont use brave
btw i use arch, and you should too, shame on you.
enable IPv6 or suffer from IPv4 deprectiation
>stop shilling brave
>proceeds to shill firefox

shilling is not the way to end shilling
Dying of boredom, I'll try it all...
i disagree

ok installing chrome
Dying of boredom, I'll try it all...
firefox is botnet
you should use icecat instead

so is google chrome
if you want to use chrome you should use ungoogled chromium
btw i use arch, and you should too, shame on you.
enable IPv6 or suffer from IPv4 deprectiation
your isp is a botnet, you should unplug from the internet to maintain privacy
Dying of boredom, I'll try it all...
when you got out in public every move is monitored by a security camera. for maximum privacy, you should never leave home and if you do you should wear a face mask and a sweartshirt
btw i use arch, and you should too, shame on you.
enable IPv6 or suffer from IPv4 deprectiation
the world itself is a botnet, you are actively being monitored by being alive
Dying of boredom, I'll try it all...