Fixed a bug in the rank checker (didn't decode the json string in the db).
Fixed a bug causing by a bug fix in the login process (ironic).
Fixed using a username instead of an id (/u/[username]) not working.
Fixed off-site account links being displayed to guests.
Fixed activation system assigning the wrong rank after activating.
Fixed a bug in the rank checker (for example: the system says you're activated but also deactivated at the same time).
Fixed a bug in the registration process causing a PDO Exception.
Fixed the chat redirect.
Fixed AJAX based forms not submitting when hitting enter.
Made all online users display on the frontpage.
Made a glow appear around a user's avatar on their profile if they're online or offline (active in the last 5 minutes).
Fixed things breaking during the activation process.
Made the last online timestamp actually update itself.
Made a tenshi tag thing display if a user has tenshi.
Made a user's country display on their profile.
Fixed rank title not displaying on profiles.
Fixed profile data not displaying properly.
Added a function to get a user's profile data.
Started with the implementation of profiles.
Added changelog page.
Added some more missing assets.
Fixed the system thinking that 0 is the ID of the deactivated users rank while it's 1.
Fixed the backend not expecting the users table to be empty.
Removed legacy development tools.
Tell users to enable JavaScript, it ain't gonna hurt ya.
Added password reset functions.
Added a legacy algo based password change force thing.
Added custom user colours (set through the database).
Made logged in users unable to view the auth page.
Removed the method of determining password strength based on length (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ain't strong just because it's long).