Moved various .php file redirects into the LegacyRouter.
Rewrote URL registry.
Added separate context class for forum stuff and split up handling of each object type.
Fixed path usage.
Cleaned up some things I missed.
Make PHPStan happy.
Split auth stuff off into own context.
Route registration with attributes!
Added middleware support to attribute registry.
Fixed HttpFx not becoming available to registerRoutes.
Allow repeat Route attributes.
Added abstract RouteHandler and documentation.
Added routing through attributes.
Fixed incorrect type on latest forum post fetching result.
Merge SharpChat permission set into the Misuzu permission system directly.
Moved authentication related macros out of MisuzuContext.
Rewrote Satori recent forum post fetch.
Moved user related stuff into its own context object.
Syntactic sugar for mass route registration.
Added interface for route handlers.
Fixed edit display threshold.
Pluralise Views.
Fixed topic read status check.
Updated Index library.
Removed Index submodule.
Removed Misuzu support.
Updated MySQL library.
Removed Windows support.
Removed Satori broadcasting.
Switch to Sasae.