Fixed forum post deletion and editing.
Converted all Misuzu style route handlers to Index style ones.
Fixed error 500 when viewing profiles as guest.
Fixed search and updated collations of various fields to more appropriate ones.
Fixed issue caused by used of dangling variable on sessions page.
Changed the way msz_auth is handled.
Fixed return type on UriBase64::decode.
Rewrote the user information class.
Updated Flashii requests and added signing.
Added server side stuff for Satori hooks.
Removed scripts that hook into Misuzu.
Some TOTP touch-ups.
Removed permissions stuff from the User object.
Fixed error when news comments category doesn't exist somehow.
Removed HasRankInterface.
Emit audit log upon impersonation.
Added counters table for storing numbers of things statically.
Allow non-super users to impersonate select users.
Don't update last online time and ip address when impersonating.
Added notice when there's no account logs to display.
Hide roles section from settings if there's only one available.
Use random alphabetic string instead hex bytes for session tokens.
Rewrote Sessions backend.
Cleaned up User and UserSession queries.
Fixed phpstan detections.
Rewrote user role handling.
Fixed data export.
Pluralise user role relations table name.
Rewrote TFA session code.
Fixed the manage index statistics causing a 500 because the old warnings table is Gone.