Merge colour_set_inherit and unset_inherit into a single function.
Added command to create migration scripts.
Reverted #1505: Turns out the array init was needed after all!
Display a user's current e-mail address in the settings.
Added e-mail backend stuff.
Display proper site name in the broom closet.
Added backend stuff for audit logging.
Changed changelog on front page to always just grab the last 10 changes.
Fixed spacing on the changelog placeholder.
Removed unnecessary array init.
Removed unused server.php file.
Use shorthand database operations everywhere.
Added SQL query counter to footer in debug mode.
Added static aliases for common database actions.
Added caching stuff.
Fixed the markdown in news previews not being parsed.
Fixed news preview showing empty user when not user id is set.
Removed unused utility functions.
Possibly optimised the country code retrieval function a bit.
Rebased parser wrappers to use an interface rather than an abstract class.
Fixed front page sidebar not being solid in width.
Fixed latest user on front page not sorting by id.
Added error reporting.
Fixed changelog date fetching.
Did some front page improvements, more to come!
Merged all the command scripts into the main misuzu script.
Allow country code changing from management panel.
Added check to ensure members' display roles are valid.
Added MySQL index on the columns used in memberlist sorting.
Fixed slight oversight which prevented avatar changing.