Only show last online on profile if a user has actually ever been online.
Updated the message on the frontpage.
This is already being done inside of user_exists.
Fixed a really dumb oversight.
Added some viewforum stuff.
Added chaos.
Fixed operation order in e-mail resolver.
Fixed user resolving and profile page errors.
Fixed error in html_user_bar.
Fixed profile fields being visible to guests.
Link to commit from changelog.
Removed user_get_username in favourite of the mode on user_exists and also made the user list less terribad.
Removed user_id_from_email since it's built into user_exists now.
Sorted changelog by date.
Added keeping track of commit hashes in the changelog.
Changed date/time storage method.
Display username colours in the changelog.
Put all database queries in constants.
Some more forum updates.
Fixed centering shoving the changelog off the page.
Allow public viewing of the changelog while in invite mode.
Only show invites section in settings if invites are enabled.
Only allow forum in development mode again.
Added Railgun compatible Colour stuff.
Added Discord webhook stuff.
Reworked profile code a bit.
Fixed naming collisions of constants.
Removed 'Your rank has been changed!' message, it's obvious enough.
Removed development checks on the forum.
Added first bits of the forum implementations.