Removed unneeded rules from .htaccess in the content folder.
Cleaned settings templates up.
Fixed usage of wrong variable to check if user is online on the profiles.
Removed old userpages code.
Removed the function for changing password using a legacy pass.
Added background uploading.
Fixed user actions showing up for deleted users.
Added AJAX friend actions on viewtopic.
Fixed user actions showing up when logged out on viewtopic.
Made AJAX object generator more convenient.
Show person that made the change in the changelog.
Use "Revision" instead of "Build" on the changelog.
Removed legacy password hash support, if your account still uses this method request a password reset email.
An attempt to fix error while trying to get the old avatar name.
Fixed references to old urls variable.
Redid filestructure.
Fixed old avatars not getting deleted.
Added avatar uploading (background uploads soon).
Added responsive view for notification for smaller screens.
Fixed links to GitHub links to link to their BitBucket alternative.
Added :smug: emote.
Redid settings frontpage.
Fixed homepage friends link going to the wrong location.
Added profile changing backend.
Added profile changing frontend.
Fixed pending friend requests function returning mutual friends instead of requests.
Fixed removing a friend not removing the request.
Added friend management page.
Added pagination to notification history page.
Fixed positioning bug on the notification history page.