Removed special styling on support us button.
Made the dropdowns in the memberlist usable on phones.
Fixed menu width on smaller monitors.
Removed dodgy old mobile view.
Updated twig libraries and switched to the unmodified Parsedown branch.
Fixed bug in settings panel with parent sections.
Changed main navigation to font awesome icons.
Added donation tracker frontend.
Made placeholder avatars different based on the templates.
Fixed PHP version checker not halting the script entirely.
Improved template error handling.
Cleaned up the code for the front page stats.
Did a plethora of changes to Misaki.
Added profile entry for birthday.
Moved profile templates to own folder.
Quickly backported the required templates to switch back to the Yuuno template.
Fixed profiles on Misaki.
Added user controlled ability to switch to Misaki via Site Options.
Fixed checkboxes not working properly in the AJAX submission function.
Restructured the startup process.
Added special cases for restricted users.
Merged messages.php and settings.php.
Rewrote settings page handling.
Fixed broken reference to current page variable in the logout link.
Added repeated linear gradient to the JavaScript message because I could.
Removed a reference to the legacy password hashing method in Users::checkLogin().
Fixed premium purchasing being broken somehow.
Fixed sitewide background making text on Members page unreadable.
Switched to a less disgusting purple for the selection of user boxes.
Fixed youtubetype being ignored on the profile.