Added cookie notification.
Fixed restricted.tpl not being referenced properly.
Made friendlist mobile friendly.
Gave the error handler a massive update.
Added ability to hide certain settings modes from the menu.
Removed unused URLs.
Implemented IP checking in the session manager.
Dropped SockChat class and rely on system permissions for Sock Chat permissions.
Implemented Urls class in PHP files.
Fixed parallax disabling not working on Yuuno.
Use Twig Blocks instead of Includes.
Fixed out of line padding on info pages.
Made the payment cancelled message look less odd.
Added a configuration value to change how many users are displayed on the memberlist per page.
Fully fixed the user numbering bug on the List view.
Finished implementation of Urls class.
Removed the special URL case for the messages section.
Merged infopage.php into index.php.
Implemented urls.format across templates.
Removed /contact symlink, use /p/contact instead.
Removed credits page in favour of a markdown file in the root.
Added Urls class.
Removed Disqus.
Made unknown countries return XX instead of EU.
Removed code for Disqus SSO.
Created two new classes for future use (news and comments).
Fixed All Members view on the memberlist not remembering the view option.
Fixed undefined index in settings.php.
Added a link to the tracker on the support page.
Added insert function to tracker.