Restricted the width of memberlist.
Fixed template not being found in manage.
Fixed public/.htaccess.
Fixed user avatar going all over the place on mobile.
(As much as I regret it,) Start moving Manage to bootstrap.
Readded footer on mobile.
Added new animations on the header menu.
Fixed view order on the header menu on mobile.
Added some fundamentals for the on-site chat.
Removed the scroll to top button.
Fixed the same error being logged multiple times.
Fixed age being displayed on profile despite the user not having a year set.
Added Deactivate Account template and placeholder logic.
Added 4 of the 5 Account section pages (all except Ranks as this system is getting a change soon probably).
Fixed sanitising in userpages code.
Added live preview for userpages.
Added userpages back in.
Removed unneeded lines from .gitignore.
Removed unneeded .htaccess files.
Added AJAX methods to the friend actions in the settings panel.
Improved the ajaxBusyView thing.
Implemented username changing.
Changed sakura_sessions to a MEMORY table.
Made new users get redirected to /p/welcome on first login.
Added a JavaScript error reporter.
Removed Main::jsonPretty in favour of the built in PHP version.
Added more comments stuff.
Changed report flag to an exclamation thing.
Added more templates for the settings page.
Fixed reference to users class in permissions class.