Fixed forum online indicator not working.
Fixed session destruction.
Added development mode banner.
Added a very early version of forum posting.
Implemented new session class.
Partially fixed the session system thinking you're logged in to a deleted account were something to happen to the user id cookie.
Made warnings displayed on a user's profile.
Made the navbar in misaki sticky.
Added sidebar table styling.
Fixed resizing of tenshi benefits on yuuno on mobile.
Fixed not 1:1 avatars being positioned weirdly in Misaki.
Moved all inline profile styling to a css block in misaki.
Added a new "user not found" page to misaki.
Removed special case for userid == 0 from imageserve.php so it actually serves the "User Deactivated" avatar instead of the "No avatar" one.
Fixed sakura using a wrong method to get the current URL.
Fixed user media links not being white on misaki.
Improved the look of the frontpage changelog.
Did the same for jQuery (which is required for bootstrap in manage, wouldn't want to be found dead using it myself).
Removed maxcdn link for font-awesome in favour of a locally hosted copy.
Fixed notifications not getting marked as read.
Implemented the new Rank class.
Fixed weird resizing of the header during page load in Microsoft Edge.
Removed bundled changelog in favour of an externally hosted one.
Removed LIKE SELECT statement from the User class.
Redid the markup of Misaki profiles.
Display comment counts in Misaki.
Fixed broken ternary in the testing style switching code.
Readded code for testing style.
Fixed Misaki template tags.
Fixed incorrect id references.