Renamed Configuration class to Config.
Removed old template engine wrapper.
Implemented the new template engine wrapper everywhere.
Renamed Forum class to Forums.
Fixed the error happening on submission of a comment when not logged in.
Restyled the navigation bar in Misaki using flexbox.
Fixed sticky elements in Misaki not working in other browsers than Firefox.
Added forum index to Misaki.
Added some beginning bits for pagination in viewforum and viewtopic.
Added placeholder templates in Misaki.
Removed fallback stuff from the new templating wrapper.
Made index.php use this new templating engine.
Added new template engine wrapper.
Made the size of the navigation change in size when entering float mode.
Made the profile header float.
Quick signature patch.
Added signatures.
Changed some of attributes of the internal fallback user and rank.
Added login rate limiting.
Added post deletion.
Hid the last posts container on the forum frontpage when a display is smaller than 512px.
Made the close button animation on the notifications smoother.
Added proper reply-mode and quote-mode to the forum.
Fixed direct link to post link not working.
Fixed notification error being triggered when navigating quickly.
Fixed a timestamp being set as the last id instead of the post id.
Added lastInsertID support to the database wrapper.
Fixed bug where user title doesn't show next to forum posts.
Removed development mode banner again.
Fixed the massive amount of shit PHP Storm was yelling at me about.