Fixed usertitle page having Username as the title.
Removed CORS from the notification system since we're not using subdomains anymore.
Fixed AJAX submitted forms using a strange behaviour.
Made ajaxPost async.
Begin implementation of new comment system.
Fixed news page explosions.
Fixed friendslisting on Settings frontpage being broken.
Fixed session cookies remaining after session dying, a more wholesome fix would require refactoring the session system so that's on the todo list now.
Fixed error on profile page relating to forum stats.
Switched indentation style to the PSR2 standard.
Made old notifications get removed after a month.
Added Linux no cron task method.
Added Windows no cron task method.
Added (commented out) beginnings of on-site chat interface.
Rewrote code for scroll to top button.
Removed getjson method from changelog.
Fixed sorting in the changelog.
Removed old news function.
Moved news section over to new API.
Moved pagination to self-contained template file.
Moved index news posts over to the new API.
Made the legacy getUser function reference the new API.
Directly count index statistics from the database as opposed to retrieving an array and counting that.
Added missing $data = null to the count database method.
Migrated more user object references to the new API.
Fixed changelog sorting.
Made notification pulling stop when the tab isn't selected.
Made error logger log Sakura version.
Removed the striped bar on the footer due to (obvious) negative feedback.
Renamed main folder to public since we're not using a subdomained system anymore.