Added `create` functions to Post and Thread.
Added a header announcement setting to the config.
Made the forum and topic title on the topic pages clickable.
Greatly improved the speed of the forum by implementing some caching.
Replaced the static reference to /authenticate.php in sakura.php with something something Urls class.
Removed Main::init().
Moved the functions called in Main::init() to sakura.php.
Changed file extension handling in the templating engine (specifying extension is no longer required).
Fixed issue related to a recent change to the development mode in the error handler.
Ported all relevant existing JavaScript to Typescript.
Rewrote the ybabstat in Typescript (yuuno.ts was having some issues so that'll come later).
Removed onsite-chat prototype bits.
Added a centralised AJAX wrapper class to Sakura.ts
Use `throw` instead of custom message for errors in the JavaScript files, errors are reported through a notification regardless.
Fixed Sakura.removeById not being called correctly.
Begun moving JavaScript files to the TypeScript format (including having centralised JS files that aren't related to templates).
Removed Config::setLocalConfig.
Changed Config::getConfig to Config::get and Config::getLocalConfig to Config::local.
Added ability to disable or enable development mode through the local config.
Fixed direct linking to posts that aren't on the main page.
Fixed word wrapping on the forum.
Made the BBcode parser wrapper static.
Added proper styling for BBcode.
Added new BBcode parser.
Fixed questionmark detection in the paginationUrl variable.
Users can now revert back to their old usernames directly after 30 days instead of having to wait out the regular 90 day long cooldown.
Fixed forum index on Misaki.
Reverted back to static component loading (except for database libs).
Added OP (original poster) badge to the forum.
Renamed Board namespace to Forum.