Name for site section for short quick updates
Though the Day of Reckoning has passed, Twitter API access still seems to be working. That doesn't change my plans to move away from it though. The primary idea for a replacement I've had in mind, and was actually planning to implement before any of the Twitter stuff happened anyhow, was something among the lines of 4chan's blotter section. However I'm not sure what this name means and don't just kinda want to copy it.

Thus the question, what should these things be called? They'll pretty much take the format Tweets from @flashiinet and @flashiistatus did before and they'll be sitting on their own subdomain so they can be available if the rest of the site is experiencing funny moments, just like the Twitter accounts now. It might also be hooked up to a live status page type system again, I've been putting off making one of those again but if it's going to integrate the purpose of @flashiistatus as well, I think it only makes sense.

Just calling them "Quick Updates" or something like that is possible, but that'd be lame. If you have any suggestions, drop 'em.
could do smth biribiri related like Zaps or Sparks or smth
i really like that angle, maybe Pulse or something? cuz that's both biribiri-ish and newsy
yeah okay no i was going to make this quick updates/status system a part of and

it's actually too perfect