The Great Northern Experiment


another ominous night photo of the painted barn and the bantam chickens roosting in the rafters

barn kette
happy creature
what does he seek
he seeks the treasure (food :3)


finally beginning work on the second hay loft since i got a good price on hay from a guy in town and i want to stock up. just need to move the plywood for the floor and i should be able to finish it tomorrow, the front beam is sitting outside and the bark is peeled but i need to dig the hole and cut it to size

hay loft is done, i also got ahold of some pulleys so we made a sort of hay elevator so weaker people can more easily load hay in the attic. i just threw the forty bales up there and rearranged then when i carted them over on a rickshaw but i'm hoping to pawn this kind of work off in the future


a proof of concept for a goat drawn cart gabe cobbled together from an old tricycle, we're hoping to build a nicer one over the winter and get ahold of a wether to pull it next year, hopefully we'll have a buckling born we can castrate and raise for this purpose

me & barn cat reemlaxing (it is cold)


everyone should have a shoulder cat


the only positive thing to happen in this winter of constant death. a single ewe lamb born to one of only two remaining ewes. the other ewe's lamb was still. i'll record a video about this later talking about some takeaways i've had from this harrowing experience

