RPG maker horror games
So, former remiwave now tetowave needs recommendations on RPG maker horror vidya games to play for next streams. She told me to post a list "SOMEWHERE ELSE", as ambiguous as that is, lets help her out.

The first one I actually watched on twitch was The Witch's House in 2012 and my introduction into this genre. I think there is an HD remake on steam but I would actually get the original plus that's free. I have other recommendations as well but I'll let the others have a chance as well.
can they be ero
will definitely ao oni because no list like this is complete without it
ao oni kind of implied was assuming you would
play yume nikki
i'm not sure if yume nikki is something you can really make entertaining as a stream or even a video for that matter, feel like it'd just be a series of "oh wow look at that haha"s

very open to being proven wrong though
flashwave please PLEASE splease splay spogeko castle spoon