Desktop Thread v9

Obligatory post with new work pony.
Res scaling on X11 sucks !
Chicago95 instead of Ice2k for this reason.
While flash has gone back to Windows, I've gone back to something else :>


I'm tired of having to install 90 programs to make my OS half-usable
I'm tired of having to deal with random things breaking after updates I didn't ask for
I'm tired of having new useless features like Copilot, news, and random food recipes crammed into my taskbar after updates I didn't ask for
I'm tired of having to make a bunch of registry tweaks to get rid of shit like OneDrive and the "3D Objects" folder nobody asked for
I'm tired of simple tasks like dragging a file causing explorer.exe to implode as well as everything else going down with it
I miss stikynot.exe
I hate having a dozen different design languages, UX methodologies, and workflows being part of the same OS (two control panels, two desktop context menus, UI remnants from every previous version of Windows ever)
I'm tired of having to settle for LTSC in a desperate attempt to remedy the aforementioned issues only for it to cause another slew of things to break
I'm tired of every new version of Windows always being a direct downgrade in usability and being threatened with the impending EoL
I like WSL, but I don't like having two separate filesystems just to run coreutils without settling for msys/Cygwin
I like Linux, but I do more things besides programming that Linux either makes impossible or a massive hindrance

OS X is nice because it's at least consistent; Apple has taste and even if I don't always agree with their taste, it be.
I like that the system (generally) respects my intelligence by not nagging me (or even worse, tricking me) into syncing my stuff into the cloud or enabling random advertising/tracking features; it doesn't try to deceive me
I like the system allowing me to turn stuff off and have it stay off
I like that Emacs-y keybindings are present virtually everywhere out-of-the-box; I'm using them to write this stupid post
I like having a usable *nix environment that also allows me to run Photoshop and FL Studio as well as open a coworker's .docx file and have it render correctly

I don't wanna give up on Linux either (my goal is just to ditch Windows before 10's EoL), but I still think we're years away from having any kind of "year of the Linux desktop." The war over display servers, WMs, DEs and GUI toolkits makes it impossible to get a consistent UX, and unless we get another team like Canonical (in their earlier years), or a team like the eOS devs, combined with actual funding and very strict standards on how the userspace should operate, I don't see it happening anytime soon. I think my experience with using OS X again recently has shown me that as entropy builds up and your software becomes less opinionated over time, your software starts to suck. I guess in a way the GNOME foundation likes to tout their projects as the solution to many of these problems, and conceptually they're on the right track (GNOME is extremely opinionated), but it's also GNOME lol... All my homies hate GNOME, this is a KDE household B)

all in all computer poopy thanks for coming to my Ted Kaczynski talk
I once shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.
if macOS was an option for my config I'd be so down (god knows i tried), im hoping to join you soon

XP 64 laptop :D
that windows xp quicktime media player icon is such a freaking blast from the past