Google Stadia
So Google just unveiled their gaming platform, Stadia, at GDC and it's pretty a hosted system meaning the games run on a remote server and are streamed to the user. A lot of buzzwords were thrown around as is usual with presentations such as these and I personally don't expect a whole lot to come out of this in the long run, with a lot of games you want as little input latency as possible and no matter how much you're gonna optimise that connection it ain't happenin. According to the website the servers run on Debian and Vulkan for the graphics API, you can see the details about the hardware, software and I/O and whatnot on this page. Regardless of my expectations I'm still somewhat curious to see how this is going to pack out thought.
Somewhat disappointed since I naively expected an actual console...
Saw this picture on Twitter just now, pretty much reflects how I felt.

the controller looks like a wii u pro controller that was abandoned in a ditch oh my god
stop to give up
sounds cool and all, but I think google forgets that a ton of people have a very shitty internet connection lmao. Also what happens to your games if the service goes under? It might be bad if steam goes under, but at least you still have the games you downloaded. You lose access to even attempt to run them with this.
Disable ipv6 and become one with the ipv4 singularity
that's a big gripe i have with streaming services and even digital downloads in general, it feels like you don't actually own the product especially in the case where heavy (online) DRM is involved
I bet it runschrome so it's shit
it's a streaming service so probably runs on pretty much anything, but knowing google it'll most likely rely on Google Chrome™ Technology
i dont know why people are all about GaaS now but its a shit idea dont do it I kinda like Google but this is ass and I hope it will fail and they will never do something like this again
I like how no one even mention how origin hulu and a bunch of other meme things are basically doing this/ planning to now. Streaming is the future guys fuck actually having any copy on your systems. If you don't pay a subscription or have internet bye bye video games. If you don't like it you can enjoy your games from 2019 and older ONLY. HAHA why are you guys such boomers.