Important Thoughts Thread
post important thoughts that occur to you during many sleepless nights and days here

if you walked on your hands long enough would they turn into legs and would your legs turn into arms with hands on them ?? i think that would be cool
ITT malloc begins an isolated community and slowly causes his offspring to evolve into feethands and handfeets
where does the name "reemo" come from

is it just some nonsensical sound

or is it a reference to some programming thing like "malloc"

i wonder...

he's actually reinventing emo, re-emo
thanx for thread reemo, i'll be sure to post stuff i think about here
here's some old ones ill dig up to contribute to start

interesting how an age like 30 or 40 or 50 is considered old when we often live to like 80
always funny when i remember everyone who's here today won the sperm race
cursed thought but i wonder how my dynamic with a friend would be different based on their gender
i think it's interesting how envy can spawn as an emotion from witnessing something amazing
it's fun (though naturally highly improbable) to imagine talking (not a converation though, throwing clauses with no verbs i guess) in bed with someone
while the concept of sharing a brain is offputting to most, i think there's something to be said about those with completely matching wavelengths
the concept of absolute trust is an elusive one
i think the statement i aint reading that shit has always been inherently flawed, i think people who use it are subiq
what kinda savant came up with the idea of pets
it's a blessing in disguise if you look ugly, means that the people who hang around you are people who'll probably be friends for life, same could be said for relationships
interesting how the part of your brain that handles learning is also connected to the part of your brain that handles pain
so if you wanna be a hyperlearner you gotta learn to endure or love pain
not sure if this is psuedoscience though i find few results on this
over the years ive actually started to be afraid of gifts because i worry that i wont use them for jack shit but ill still keep them because i dont like throwing or giving away gifts
also if its a little more personal i worry about the impression they have of me
interesting to think we speak about as naturally as we breathe
wonder what type of people buy those mickey mouse 240000 carat giant jewel crystal etc that you see at jewellery shops
there are so many diseases symptoms and whatever in the world it starts make me believe there really is no healthy person (or at least is very rare) in the sense that they could always be improving themselves
of course your physical body is the most obvious example of the unsurpassable wall but cognitive diseases also have their own quietly hidden wall too
would be interesting if your deja vu experiences were from thoughts or dreams you had many many years ago but dont remember specifically
you could have the superpower to see into the future but with a x year delay and you'd never know
fresh thought

ive thought about this many times, how would you deal with someone where you have a gun in an advantageous position? think of managing to steal a gun from a school shooter, having a guy break into your house, etc

i've always thought i should threaten them to stay down, then shoot their foot (scrape? dead on shot? havent decided yet) to keep them there until police arrive or something
it isnt fatal, they'll heal from it, and it keeps them from fleeing a scene
tensyoo understanding the purpose of this thread

typically i've been told that declaring intent is important in cases of burglary, so for example cocking a shotgun loudly before following through is a good example. however depending on the circumstance and the potential of the threat posed by the other person you may choose to either fire near them to prove intent of deadly force or, as you've said, shoot to incapacitate rather than to kill. this is always preferable than shooting to kill but in circumstances where the threat is high and there is unlikely a fairer solution that won't result in your own death the use of deadly force makes sense

if you hold your breath hard enough will you start flying away
not helium so no
but what if it became helium and so did your blood