Server maintenance

Update 2: Pretty sure everything's fixed now. Update 1: Finished reinstalling the server, there are some issues that needs solving but I'll get to those ASAP.

~~This weekend I'll be taking the server down for an OS upgrade from Debian to Ubuntu Server. Now I know that Ubuntu is usually frowned upon but this just seems like a better solution since the packages are a lot more recent and there will presumably also be more to play with/break. This won't be a huge change seeing as Ubuntu is based on Debian but I might need to adjust the site's backend a bit in relation to the PHP 5.4 to 5.5 transition. The downtime will be like a day and I'll probably use a drop-in server to run the site in a "read only" mode (chat works but profiles can't be changed etc), as stated before it shouldn't be too much of a hassle to do because Debian and Ubuntu are pretty much the same thing.~~

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