Oceanic sports

So you may have noticed that Flashii was offline pretty much all day yesterday, well this happened because the server I was using decided that I was going to be on my own. So as soon as I got home I started recovering data (managed to get everything so yay!) and getting new servers set up with another host.

That's right, we're on Digital Ocean now. Heard good things about them and they're also cheaper compared to azure (which is more aimed at businesses as opposed to niche sites and personal developers anyway). I'm currently using the lowest tier system until I have a reason to hop up. As for the free BizSpark I'll probably use that to host game servers or whatever you guys would like!

I also took the opportunity to give nginx a shot and let me tell you, I am not disappointed. I personally thought I'd miss .htaccess but the blazing fucking speed compared to Apache and the clean configuration files make up for that lack.

Currently it's going to cost me $10 a month (which considering some shared hosters asking that for mid-tier service) is pretty alright.

If you have any questions regarding all this feel free to ask them in chat while I'm on.

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