Moved the profile edit page to the account section of settings.
Fixed messed up logic in the post deletion method.
Fixed missing use statement causing an exception to be thrown when modifying posts.
Removed all referenced to the user password field outside of the user class.
Reverted today's changes.
Added utility functions to convert camelCase to snake_case and back.
Added a Model base class.
Removed all referenced to the user password field outside of the user class.
Made 403 and 404 return the proper status codes.
Changed Segoe UI in yuuno to Open Sans (they look identical and for multi platform support).
Fixed wrong default type for user_birthday
Require the class "time-ago" to be in the class name of elements to get parsed by timeAgo.
Updated all references to the old AJAX client to the new Sakura.AJAX one.
General purpose'd and renamed the timeElapsed methods to Sakura.timeAgo.
Removed (unused) legacy functions.
Abstracted return json.
General purpose'd the client side friend methods.
General purpose'd the changelog loader.
Exported some base classes from Sakurako.
Renamed master.(t|j)s to app.
Fixed filter being wrongly assigned in the templating wrapper.
Began work on manage, part 2 electric boogaloo.
Moved global/master.twig to the root of the template directory in yuuno.
Fully split ForumController up into multiple specific controllers.
Added a view utility function which combines Template::vars and Template::render into one short function.
Added session_check utility function which automatically checks if a session request var is set and if it's equal to session_id.
Added a compatibility layer for old /p/ (and even /r/) info page links.
Made forum moderation function buttons not dumb.
Fix title assignations being block instead of set (variable).
Fixed the bbcode styling being wrongly included in the yuuno css.