Fixing missing drop in the initial migration.
Fixed missing null assignation in the initial database migration.
Fixed all strict comparison issues on the forum.
Added backend logic for topic moving.
Made operators on the json method in controllers changeable.
Moved (most) topic methods from the global ForumController into its own controller (Forum.TopicController).
Created the controller for chat stuff (doesn't actually contain anything yet).
Replace meta.infopage with statically defined pages with the info. prefix.
Fixed password_algo still being used to determine if a user is deactivated on the "newest user" section on the frontpage.
Fixed template caching.
Cleaned up the template utility function loader.
Change all occurrences of thread to topic to avoid confusion.
Fixed calc being parsed by LESS in Yuuno.
Change last online updating to a function in the user object so it gets updated on the spot properly.
Handle updating last online through middleware.
Added middleware framework.
Fixed some errors in the migrations (missing nullables and attempting to delete non-existent tables).
Removed the old database exports.
Added more ranks to config.ini.
Added setup instructions to the readme.
Renamed one more cache variable I overlooked yesterday.
Added a setup command that inserts required data and creates a user.
Added the remaining database/migration commands.
Added aitemu design assets.
Removed more unused assets.
Removed CLI sapi check from mahou.
Fixed the migrations.
Switched from PHPMailer to SwiftMailer.
Removed references to the old warning system.
Removed resource templating function.