Renamed templates folder to views.
Added a replacement for SAKURA_NO_TPL, IN_CLI gets automatically defined when in CLI mode.
Cleaned up sakura.php.
First attempt at writing migrations.
Made get_country_name not look like shit.
Hardcode utf-8 charset.
Removed nocron, both windows and linux have task scheduling so it's unnecessary to have it.
Removed unnecessary double check in post editing.
Replaced all hardcoded rank indication with a configuration variable.
Use HTTP_HOST instead of a configuration variable to get the current URL.
Removed registration captcha.
Removed complete authentication locking.
Moved the complete configuration to the filesystem instead of the database.
Renamed libraries folder to app.
Do maintenance mode checking through middleware.
Made last_ip actually update itself.
Added backwards compatibility for the IP storage which automatically updates the database with the new storage method.
Replaced all IP references with Net and byte based storage.
Use database variables to exclude restricted and deactivated users from the user count instead of static numbers.
Exclude trash forum from statistics.
Fixed Post and Thread unread checking reporting unread when logged out.
Deleted settings.php.
Moved avatar, header and background uploaders to the router.
Updated the changelog loading code to work with the new changelog api.
Added templates for the avatar and background sections.
Added byte_symbol filter to twig.
Added missing permission checks.
Moved signature and userpage settings stuff into the router.
Moved everything in the account and advanced settings sections into the router.
Removed some unused variables.