Moved the viewing part of threads into the router.
Moved some routes into groups.
Removed in favour of the section on GitHub.
Make the changelog on the frontpage poll the last 5 changelog days.
Made the debug backtrace report arguments as well.
Disabled database error logging because of inconsistencies with database abstraction layers.
Removed Utils::verifyCaptcha().
Removed Users::getAllRanks().
Removed Users::getUsersByIP().
Removed Users::userExists().
Removed Users::register().
Added a fetch function to the Net class.
Moved registration page into the router.
Fixed an error caused by a cleanup.
Removed the SAKURA_VLABEL and SAKURA_COLOUR constants because they weren't used anywhere.
Started deprecating DB wrapper v2 (yes, already) in favour of Illuminate's (Laravel) database abstraction layer.
Made the checks in sakura.php throw exceptions instead of killing the script.
Made to $_SERVER variable accessible for templates.
Moved login and logout procedures to the router.
Added robots.txt to the public folder.
Updated most templates to use the route() function instead of urls.format().
Removed all legacy link fixes from the router.
Moved cli to a dedicated script.
Removed all use statements for DBWrapper v1.
Added a proper function for altering the configuration.
Removed the old DB wrapper.
Update all SQL references to use the new wrapper.
Added the new database wrapper.
Hooked imageserve.php into the router.
Made all controllers extend a base controller.