Removed posting.php.
Moved post editing to the router (also allows thread title changing now!).
Moved post deletion to the router.
Added direct post quoting.
Made the simple bbcode loader less dumb.
Fixed permission checking in the viewtopic template.
Made $_SESSION and $_REQUEST accessible by templates.
Greatly improved the posting experience.
Moved replying to and creating threads to the router.
Cleaned the serve command code up.
Made the development host a configuration value.
Fixed users not being ordered correctly in the memberlist.
Made the user welcome thing on the side of the front page look less shit.
The person with the most posts on a given day is now featured on the forum index.
Added popular threads and latest posts list.
Added direct post linking back.
Removed .htaccess because bad.
Fixed some static URLs.
Fixed verification keys not getting removed after using them.
Moved all authentication methods to the router, and deleted public/authenticate.php.
Moved password resetting to the router.
Moved reactivation to the router.
Moved activation to the router.
Switched to using php-intl instead of a bundled thing for getting full country names.
Fully deprecated DBwrapper v2 in favour of Illuminate/Database.
Fixed backgrounds not being displayed whatsoever.
Cleaned up the forum moderation code.
Made the forum id variables only accept integers.
Made the search link on the 404 page go to /search instead of Bing.
Fully moved all viewtopic.php functionality into the router.