Cleaned up permissions stuff in the broom closet a bit.
Moved git related functions out of ApplicationBase.
Fixed avatar change page on mobile.
Made manage sections default to their actual default pages.
Fixed avatar resolutions on the forum a tad.
Rewrote the avatar upload handling a bit.
Fixed avatars being 198x198 instead of 200x200 like they should because of the border handling.
Fixed an error causing e-mail changing to be impossible.
Added the permissions system.
Fixed canonical urls up a bit.
Linked the user changelog from profiles.
Made it possibly to filter the changelog by user.
Added a slight notice when the browser doesn't support sideways text.
Fixed some cross browser issues.
Fixed word wrapping issues in the changelog.
Fixed bug in tag archival.
Added management facilities for the changelog.
Added changelog!
Added member listing.
Added basic role and user management to manage.
Added code highlighting library.
Replaced the asset build script with PHP from Bash.
Display times in the 'x time ago' format.
Ensure the server-side is always set in the UTC+0 timezone.
Finished touches on the forum baseline.
Change storage types of IP addresses in the database from BLOB to VARBINARY.
Added slightly temporary parsing facilities.
Added fallback page for when there's no forums present.
Did some cleaning up in the forum code.
Added read status tracking to the forum.