Added ability to check if table columns exists.
Updated table check function to be more reliable.
Added ability to delete avatars.
Updated changelog to display dates.
Fixed navigation state in the settings.
Added avatars.
Made the logo spooky. (Happy Halloween!)
Renamed _dev_settings.php to settings.php.
Added html function substituting.
Updated webhook handler to update the site.
Updated changelog display a bit.
Added a function to make properly formatted page titles.
Fixes to the userbar.
Added automated changelog using the webhook.
Updated GitHub webhook a bit.
Added function to get the current session id.
Added temporary settings panel.
Added constants to check whether we're in console or development mode.
Added error stuff to the database functions.
Fixed oversight in the database functions.
Made pages in navigation function configurable.
Made sure the timezone is set to UTC.
Made certain pages public in private/invite mode.
Added invite system.
Added function to check if a database table exists.
Added base authentication stuff.
Added flags to the html functions.
Added maintenance mode check.
Added database availablity checks.
Added database wrapper.