Fixed age display.
Added user bbcode (usage: [user]2[/user] -> styled "Flashwave" with link to profile).
Added jlist ads (hardcoded for now).
Fixed signatures not filtering htmlentities.
Removed parsedown and dependencies.
Fixed user being deactivated after being unrestricted.
Fixed error 500 while trying to restrict someone.
Moved sorting code for the memberlist to the template instead of the php file.
Fixed username change date displays.
Removed background parallax effect.
Fixed denying friend requests, albeit in a strange way.
Fixed ghastly commas in the online list.
"Removed" visible references to the PM system.
Fixed error on authentication page while logged in (why would you go there while logged in anyway?).
Fixed notification close button being broken on small screens.
Fixed reference to User::email() during registration.
Fixed the profile explosion bug.
Changed the way online users are displayed.
Added profile headers to yuuno.
Moved all option/profilefield data to separate tables instead of a dodgy json in the users table.
Moved uploads to the database.
Added an unread indicator to sub-forums.
Renamed Main class to Utils as it doesn't serve as a "main" class anymore
Added rank manager.
Added session manager.
Added account deactivation.
Fixed Age calculation (didn't take leap years in account).
Removed Personal Statistics from the settings homepage.
Removed HTTP_HOST from sakura.currentPage in the templating vars (everything happens on a single domain now).
Fixed PayPal redirect not using HTTPS.