Use `throw` instead of custom message for errors in the JavaScript files, errors are reported through a notification regardless.
Fixed Sakura.removeById not being called correctly.
Begun moving JavaScript files to the TypeScript format (including having centralised JS files that aren't related to templates).
Removed Config::setLocalConfig.
Changed Config::getConfig to Config::get and Config::getLocalConfig to Config::local.
Added ability to disable or enable development mode through the local config.
Fixed direct linking to posts that aren't on the main page.
Fixed word wrapping on the forum.
Made the BBcode parser wrapper static.
Added proper styling for BBcode.
Added new BBcode parser.
Fixed questionmark detection in the paginationUrl variable.
Users can now revert back to their old usernames directly after 30 days instead of having to wait out the regular 90 day long cooldown.
Fixed forum index on Misaki.
Reverted back to static component loading (except for database libs).
Added OP (original poster) badge to the forum.
Renamed Board namespace to Forum.
Implemented announcement and sticky threads.
Added a button to mark all forums as read.
The forum now cuts the subject when they're longer than 30 character in the preview link.
Forced wordwrapping on the forum.
Made the jump to first/last page buttons only show on the pagination if there's more than 2 pages.
Added a method to destroy all a user's sessions.
Switched to using PHP's GeoIP module to get the 2 character code and use CloudFlare's header as fallback.
Moved the forum to its own namespace.
Made a few improvements to the pagination.
Removed markdown support on the forums.
Added read tracking (ability to know when there's unread posts).
Added thread bumping.
Added pagination to forum.