Added weeks to Sakura.timeElapsed.
Hard-disabled IP checking due to issues with IPv6.
Moved timeElapsed stuff to the client side.
Moved onload JS procedures into the footer.
Removed the /api/ directory as it's being adopted into the router.
Updated .htaccess to reflect the new router system.
Removed Users::getUsersInRank() in favour of Rank::users().
Bumped the minimum PHP version up to 5.5.0.
Actually handle NotFound and MethodNotAllowed exception in the router.
Replaced different profile page mode with dynamically updates javascript stuff.
Moved the profiles to the router.
Made Template static again.
Added PHPDoc-style comments to the core Sakura files.
Added standalone development server launchers.
Removed shit basePath replacement method.
Hardset url_rewrite to 0.
Moved a few pages to the router and set up smart redirects to these pages.
Fixed accidental $s instead of %s in SITE_NEWS_CAT_POST.
Wrote a wrapper for the Router library.
Fixed pagination of the friends section on profiles.
Fixed cron.php triggering the CLI.
Added friends section to profiles.
Completely redid the profile layout in Yuuno.
Fix profile header not properly fitting to the container in Misaki.
Fixed full country name not being displayed.
Removed the 600px minimum height of the main container.
Removed SSL redirector.
Fixed word explosion.
Fixed ranks causing an PHP error due to a missing variable.
Hide deactivated and restricted users from the all users list.