2-3 day meetup
Everyone is constantly teasing at organising a meetup and it never happens so I figured I'd get something organised.
I'll be in the Netherlands from 26 August - 3 September and am happy to organise some Airbnb and chill. I will cover accommodation costs as much as possible for those who need it, because I feel that this is long overdue.

For me, this can take place anywhere in the country that is most convenient, and during any stretch of dates during this week.

A variety of activities are plannable such as:
arcade visitation....
theme park gaming....
visiting museums that you've all probably been to before already....
the ZOO?
possible alcohol consumption

If you are interested simply add my d*scord: hippochan
and then I will add you to the group chat
hosimati suisei please

already in group but will probably exist yes
just writing down 26th and 27th will be very hard for me to come
hosimati suisei please

last call for this before i start making bookings
dates are 1-3 september. arcade friday wallahi saturday
cannot do the first week of september :crying: