type Garfield with your eyes closed
Prostate with your eyes closed
this thread is horrible i regret makig it (with my eyes closed i think i fucked up at theend this keyboard is ass)
Rq so wie

i dont know how to type on a phone
phone garrielr
hosimati suisei please

i typed that really wrong LOL
hosimati suisei please

garfield ok that wasnt a challenge here's mebtuping withbky eyes closed fukl sentence aaajju infant type on my phone with eyes closef
garfield. well that was easy. i typed this whole post with my eyes closed
garfield the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog type reemo 55 times fast i am rwriting this on cherry mx reds the typoest switch kknown to man and my n and md keys have chatter which makes them type 2 times in a row sometimes its not my fault ok the game was rigged and i think a judge should be summoned (now)