april fools to worrible
discord, aptly named, really brings out the worst in people. special mentions to the special needs kind who took to spam.

SQLite version 3.34.1 2021-01-20 14:10:07
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .mode box
sqlite> select * from scores order by level desc, xp desc, msgs desc;
│ uid │      name      │  xp   │ level │ msgs │
│ 2   │ nook           │ 38622 │ 47    │ 1926 │
│ 1   │ flash          │ 11865 │ 25    │ 588  │
│ 188 │ Shino6u        │ 10776 │ 24    │ 542  │
│ 115 │ osk            │ 10367 │ 24    │ 516  │
│ 145 │ gebruikersnaam │ 7941  │ 21    │ 400  │
│ 242 │ whim           │ 7248  │ 20    │ 359  │
│ 32  │ szy            │ 5086  │ 16    │ 249  │
│ 11  │ Satori         │ 3793  │ 14    │ 191  │
│ 3   │ reemo          │ 2695  │ 12    │ 135  │
│ 181 │ saikuru0       │ 2124  │ 10    │ 106  │
│ 236 │ Neeko          │ 2030  │ 10    │ 101  │
│ 101 │ Arysil         │ 1576  │ 9     │ 81   │
│ 141 │ Matthew        │ 840   │ 6     │ 41   │
│ 208 │ Sangui         │ 784   │ 6     │ 39   │
│ 262 │ Niiso          │ 692   │ 6     │ 34   │
│ 9   │ random         │ 662   │ 5     │ 33   │
│ 240 │ cyn            │ 448   │ 4     │ 22   │
│ 214 │ Dimentio       │ 379   │ 4     │ 20   │
│ 73  │ rjoken         │ 269   │ 3     │ 14   │
│ 248 │ _kp            │ 100   │ 2     │ 5    │
sqlite> .q

congratulations, you win nothing, and we're never doing this again ever. bot source
was a fun joke
but Yeah
https://kagari.moe/outer_assets/flashii/signature.png https://kagari.moe/outer_assets/flashii/signature-sites.pnghttps://kagari.moe/outer_assets/flashii/signature-osksh.pnghttps://kagari.moe/outer_assets/flashii/signature-kagarimoe.pnghttps://kagari.moe/outer_assets/flashii/signature-social.pnghttps://kagari.moe/outer_assets/flashii/signature-twitter.pnghttps://kagari.moe/outer_assets/flashii/signature-github.pnghttps://kagari.moe/outer_assets/flashii/signature-blog.png
april fools is VERY serious business
common nook W
hosimati suisei please

what was the joke i missed it
mee6 discord bot but parsee
hosimati suisei please

This was funny but also annoying thank you
you will never achieve lvl 99 firemaking ;_;
true i will never 99 firemaking
hosimati suisei please

i left my mark