PM visibility on the telephone
make it easier to see if you have new pms on the phone or i will leave forever

(mobile navigation overhaul update probably)
This isn't strictly about mobile more like a general visibility suggestion. What if there was a way for chat to notify you about a PM cause for me, most of the time spent on flashii is on chat and I don't really have the main site open at all times and I have missed PMs like this before. It doesn't need to actually open in chat more like having an icon popup that links you to PMs
Idk what it would take for this integration to happen but it would be nice
When I do the DM rework I'll probably make it so PMs trigger a notification there. I was thinking about the same today as well.
send me pms please
i still really like Piczel's implementation of DMs because when you get one it puts a persistent banner between the text box and the chat contents of "You have an unread PM"
very in-your-face which i think works for this context
this thread was more for the on-site PMs for which I think that's a little bit excessive, but the visibility of DMs in chat is also extremely poor you're right