/pol/ becoming popular is what made 4chan go down the tubes. then again, /pol/ used to be a complete joke board before the /v/tards invaded it so /shrug
nowadays, i pmuch only browse /gif/ tho so.....
nowadays, i pmuch only browse /gif/ tho so.....
Dying of boredom, I'll try it all...
I browse /bant/ /pol/ /g/ and sometimes /r9k/ (mainly for /britfeel/) and I sometimes browse 8chans /a/ as 4chans is awful. That and I talk to the moderator of 8chans /a/ on the fediverse.
on the rare occasions I browse any imageboards, I browse work-safe boards and even then I see a lot of ass flaunting on /wsg/ (in b4 incel)
my choice of poison has to be: /wsg/, /g/, /adv/ and sometimes 8ch /pol/ when I'm feeling frisky
my choice of poison has to be: /wsg/, /g/, /adv/ and sometimes 8ch /pol/ when I'm feeling frisky
I used to browse /x/ a lot before it became more than 25% LARP, [s4s] was also pretty good back in 2014 and the occasional /c/ or /w/ scroll. Pretty much stopped browsing imageboards after the whole thing with moot in January 2015, the ensuing drama was annoying and hiroyuki's 4chan is mess. I was never a supporter of 8chan, it's just anonymous reddit/discord.
/pol/ is all shitty larpers that live in their mom's basement
/jp/ is for the elites of this realm
/jp/ is for the elites of this realm
>the only reason i use it is because (specifically) 4channel isnt blocked at school and /g/ is more entertaining than some random shit about something
Enjoy your 30 day vacation kiddo.