Abuse Thread
i broke every xbox 360 controller i ever owned by smashing them on my desk
switch pro controllers must be sturdy
i haven't slammed my procon yet because it was expensive and i only have one lol
RIP my first G602 2014-2017, death by ctf on gephyrophobia
Dying of boredom, I'll try it all...
rip my g910, killed by the WINAPI
i was trying something cool but after having it softlock me out of windows twice it got the big slappy
https://kagari.moe/outer_assets/flashii/signature.png https://kagari.moe/outer_assets/flashii/signature-sites.pnghttps://kagari.moe/outer_assets/flashii/signature-osksh.pnghttps://kagari.moe/outer_assets/flashii/signature-kagarimoe.pnghttps://kagari.moe/outer_assets/flashii/signature-social.pnghttps://kagari.moe/outer_assets/flashii/signature-twitter.pnghttps://kagari.moe/outer_assets/flashii/signature-github.pnghttps://kagari.moe/outer_assets/flashii/signature-blog.png
rip my g300 2011-2017

i threw it at the monitor and it broke the monitor but also left click
stop to give up
has this suddenly turned into a tardrage confession thread? well i got two

my first m185 succumbed to osu and being thrown at the wall
and my old quickfire xt i somehow completely obliterated the usb port of making it unusable
update: i have since smashed my procon into the table

fortunately it still works and there are no scratches or anything