2020 New Years Resolutions
the time at length has come

What things are you set on accomplishing in the coming year, in turn setting up a whole new decade? A new year, let alone a new decade, is a whole new start on things, and you can accomplish your goals if you work hard and put your mind to it! Big or small, post them all.

With how successful my flock has been, I'm hoping to expand my poultry operations to include a larger flock of waterfowl, including geese and ducks. Considering the configuration of my land, it is very much possible that this may be the most successful flock to establish and may end up being a staple. Additionally, my partner and I are hoping to get a decent sized garden started so we can start growing some vegetables and feed crop to supplement our winter grain storage. Lastly, I'd like to begin establishing a small orchard to the south with some of the cuttings of fruiting plants around the area.

Unfortunately my resolution last year of establishing a rice crop didn't end up working out, but I think what ended up happening was better anyhow.

Do not be shy friends, it is a hapy time for hapyposting. Feel free to comment on whether your plans for last year were successful if you'd like.
My main resolutions are to quit drinking (atleast habitually), get my cardio regiment back up again, and properly be out irl so I can advance my life. I'd also want to go through a lot of my online spots and try to get rid of negativity-inducing sources so I can have a more positive energy surrounding me.
Dying of boredom, I'll try it all...
Last year I said I would get involved with more people and learn to cope with anxious feelings I had during the last school year. I felt like I accomplished that to some degree because I got through school and graduated, so I'm happy about that. However, I am in the period of finding the next chapter in my life and the first thing to do is to look for a job in the meantime. Within the first few months getting a job would be ideal along with finding a stable living pattern that would allow me to still hang out with you all. The bigger question would be to figure out if I am going to do more school and get a Masters, this is the biggest challenge to figure out this year. Though knowing my mentality, I like to take things step by step, I'll think about getting a job first and probably not plan ahead and fuck something up, but hey that's part of the journey. Also think about how moving out would work if I accumulate enough funds ever (idk about this one).
I hope to get out of my burnout, and hopefully get some energy to release my vaporware.
I don't remember if I had any resolutions last year, doubt it. 2020 will be important though, it'll basically be the key to either "making it" or failing hard for the rest of my life, so let's hope the cruel gods watching me don't break my hope immediately.
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hopefully this is the year i begin to catch up from where i left off after i decided it'd be funny to have massive arrested development

i want to discover new interests since i've plateaued in that regard too
none because I'm npt gonna fulfill them anyhow EYOO
this year i want to move out of home and kick off a heroin addiction
hopefully not drop out again
hosimati suisei please
