Forum Leaderboard 2020-03

Leaderboard 2020-03

somewhat on time for a change!

Rank Usename Post count
1 flash 26
2 win 19
3 gebruikersnaam 18
4 reemo 11
5 nook 7
6 XSword24 6
7 Matthew 5
8 Sora 4
8 FlappyzorWorldwideOnline2018through2019through2020 4
9 louisoft01 3
9 szymszl 3
10 yurrieissmart 2
10 rafuwu 2
10 thugginator 2
10 scawful 2
10 osk 2
11 SydKnee 1
11 whitepaperkat 1
11 game_beetle 1
11 bluestar 1

Chat leaderboard for March 2020

holy shit im actually just after flash's post for once

Warning - logging script has been down for 194s total. Reason: april fools chat restart.

Rank Username Message count
1 flash 13472
2 Sora 11190
3 funtime 10889
4 thugginator 8509
5 reemo 7787
6 Matthew 6891
7 gebruikersnaam 6588
8 osk 6192
9 szymszl 6150
10 Satori 5861
11 XSword24 4060
12 ReggaeKojima 2482
13 nook 2380
14 random 2059
15 Arysil 1800
16 Koishi 1567
17 game_beetle 575
18 win 442
19 louisoft01 373
20 low 357
21 gaythugmemes 230
22 bluestar 187
23 noob 170
24 SydKnee 166
25 yurrieissmart 118
26 limewire 108
27 oversight 87
28 name 81
29 Bungle 78
30 walllable 53
31 FlappyzorWorldwideOnline2018through2019through2020 29
32 AnimeGuy 26
33 wamwoowam 25
34 RedDash16 21
35 scawful 19
36 creak 18
36 purplesockk 18
37 Trigex 16
38 cobaltJude 14
39 Insane_Crystal 7
40 TheCanadianToast 5
40 Kotori 5
41 Emily 2
42 whitepaperkat 1
forever 2nd in chat man
the forum was a slow girl this month, interesting i ended up getting basically first
Dying of boredom, I'll try it all...