Hail friend!
Hi! I found this forum by standing next to flash in the university cafeteria, so here I am! My name usually gets shortened to Henk so you can call me that.

Love me anime
Hate me live action
Not disrespectful just don't like em
Simple as.

Other hobbies consist of sports, reading, video games and hanging out with friends. I currently work at a company that promotes extra curricular lessons to students that need extra support. Interested to see the people here!

Enjoy your stay!
Welcome to the Flashii palace!
https://kagari.moe/outer_assets/flashii/signature.png https://kagari.moe/outer_assets/flashii/signature-sites.pnghttps://kagari.moe/outer_assets/flashii/signature-osksh.pnghttps://kagari.moe/outer_assets/flashii/signature-kagarimoe.pnghttps://kagari.moe/outer_assets/flashii/signature-social.pnghttps://kagari.moe/outer_assets/flashii/signature-twitter.pnghttps://kagari.moe/outer_assets/flashii/signature-github.pnghttps://kagari.moe/outer_assets/flashii/signature-blog.png
epic welcome to the palace
hosimati suisei please

Hello welcome welcome
welcome to the forum of all time
hi henk i like your name
Welcome ! we will get along because i am an anime female in real life