multiworld multigame randomizer for

i was thinking it'd be fun to run an async archipelago multiworld for flashii folks. archipelago is a randomizer that goes across games - someones Terraria Hardmode unlock may be stuck in someone elses Stardew Valley bundle completion. that same Stardew Valley game may have their parsnip seeds inside an A Hat in Time snatchers contract.

it takes a bit of setup, though! i'd recommend you learn more about archipelago here

you can check out supported games here

and unfinished implementations here, these may be buggy/unfinished! please do testing if you decide to use an APWorld from here!

if you'd like to participate, follow the instructions for whatever game you'd like to play, and ensure it works on your system. then make a YAML file and send it here. if your game is on the unfinished spreadsheet, please send the .apworld as a .zip and the YAML that you'll be using for that world.

I'll take a week to collect them all and let people do their own testing before creating the room and updating this post with the current room. the room will be open till the end of next month, at which i will start trying to gather YAMLs again for another go. causing problems on purpose