Show me your torrent client stats
i don't use qbit so i don't have a neat little popup i could screenshot, but with a little API crawling i got the following stats:

Total upload: 19.93TB
Total download: 1.73TB
All-time ratio: 11.501
First torrent added: 2019-06-02 21:31:30 UTC (1559509711) (it finished 23 minutes later)

Do you think the ratio would be higher if your internet connection was better, szy?

regardless, that's some high numbers too
depends on what you mean by "better" really, it would definitely be much better if i could port forward (so everyone could be able to download), but it would also be much better if i didnt turn off the computer at night lol
i also have a lot of near-0 torrents, often just from private trackers where there's much less action (on AB my raw ratio is 0.01 lol), i think having port fwding would help with that a lo
anyway, during seeding my connection speed is rarely the bottleneck, as my seeding upload rarely reaches 1MB/s (and sometimes gets to like 40MB/s, which is neat even if rare)
>how many files is gebruikersnaam seeding
i am suprised i thought you'd have more

i have like 300 torrents seeding rn
10tb uploaded in 9 months. not bad
#12765 causing problems on purpose
Total upload: 27.32 TiB
Total download: 2.02 TiB
All-time ratio: 13.509