Uploading from Chat

Quick announcement to let everyone know that you can now upload images, videos, audio and pretty much any file straight from the chat, as long as it's not larger than 13 megabytes 20 MEGABYTES!!!

This is available in both the standard Sock Chat client as well as the legacy one, so you're not missing out if you prefer the latter either. Uploads can be done using the dedicated button, by pasting into the textbox or just by dragging the file into the chat window. Uploads remain for 1 week after it has last been viewed by someone, after which it will be removed from the server.

My plan is to eventually also support uploading files from the forum as well with a large file size and longer lifetime, but I first want to see how much the chat uploading ends up consuming. This would eliminate 404s from image hosting services that die or other such things by hosting all user content on the Flashii server as opposed to relying on others.

I have noticed an issue with ShareX where you cannot paste screenshots taken using it into the input box, as far as I'm aware there's nothing I can do about that.

With all that said, enjoy no longer having to struggle to find a working image/file host!
