Happy 12th Birthday, Flashii!


Oops, being late with this post is becoming a trend. I wanted to get a couple things done before actually starting to write this, and those things are done now so here I am once again! Just like every other one of these I'd like to take this post to do a little bit of reflection on the past year in comparison to the year prior, as well as talk about the things I have in store for the upcoming year. If you can't be bothered to go through all that, your loss but thank you for your continued use of the site anyway!

Happy 11th Birthday, Flashii!


...4 days late, but I have a reason for my tardiness as you will soon find out! Just like last year I would like to take this post to do a bit of reflection on the past year of development on the website. After that you can check whether you have new messages because the Private Messaging system finally exists, have a nice day.

Updating the chat subdomain


I have just changed the chat subdomain from sockchat.flashii.net to chat.flashii.net. The client for older browsers previously available at sockchat.flashii.net/legacy now lives on the root of sockchat.flashii.net. If you run into any issues because of this transition, please read the rest of this post!

Discontinuation of Twitter Integration


If that title sounds vague to you, you'd be correct. The changes that Twitter's New Management have made so far have been pretty superficially annoying at worst and haven't really significantly affected anything, apart from dropkicking third party applications, but that didn't affect me personally. Well, earlier today the TwitterDev account dropped this gem (archived) announcing the discontinuation of free API usage and that's where we are now. In this post, I'll go over what I know and tell you where to find the RSS feeds.

Happy 10th Birthday, Flashii!


And so we enter the 10th year. A lot has happened in that time, both positive and negative, but all in all it makes me happy that this site continues to serve as a meeting place! I'm very grateful to everyone who has stuck around for all this time, but also to those who have joined recently. In this post I'll be reflecting a bit on the past year, as well as talk about my plans for the site this year. But first, the usual: Thank you for your continued use of Flashii!

News ยป General
General news regarding the site and its community.