Switched to a less disgusting purple for the selection of user boxes.
Fixed youtubetype being ignored on the profile.
Implemented permission checking for all the settings in the Aesthetics category.
Added a fallback to the User class that checks using a LIKE statement.
Added banner to footer on unstable revisions.
Fixed values of additional profile values not showing up properly.
Split the SQL fetch function up into select and fetch functions for possible future use.
Fixed an ancient issue where the avatar in the header leaves its containers.
Fixed user uploads removal.
Added new options menu (replaces site wide background checkbox).
Changed /r/ urls to /p/ to not have it be confused with subreddit.
Moved image serving file to the new user api.
Made the "Enable JavaScript" message look a bit less mentally challenged.
Fixed font on changelog not displaying correctly.
Cleaned up the sakura template variable.
Cleaned up unneeded things from profile.php.
Added expirimental site wide profile background feature.
Switched currently logged in user data to the new API and fixed some references to checkLogin.
Made it possible to initialise a User object with the username_clean of that user.
Added OR statement capabilities to the database library.
Converted profile.php to the new user API.
Fixed incorrect counting on the List view in the memberlist (how did I miss this for 4 months?).
Begin work on a User class (different from the Users class) to easily get a user's data in a usable state.
Fixed the lie in the previous change changing the __only__ use of it to associative.
Made the SQL wrapper only fetch an associative array since the numbered one is not used anywhere.
Added username glow based on the user's username colour.
Fixed urls in Misaki.
Added permission check when trying to enter manage.
Fixed some broken links on manage.
Added device icons to Yuuno.