Added code for topic view counter.
Redid some of the emotes.
Removed some columns and replaced them with live stats.
Fixed bug while decoding the country name JSON with systems that don't default to UTF-8.
Added 'x time ago' generator function.
Added user data and post linking to viewforum.
Made the forum index page fully functional.
Added count functionality to database wrapper.
Removed ignore lines for Misaki files.
Fixed profile rewrite rule causing errors in some environments (e.g. Win32).
Added basic example of the version 1 API framework.
Made the sitename config variable shown on the title of the suport page instead of just Flashii
Fixed a mistake in the stylesheet causing the support page to deform when resized.
Added basic API framework.
Made the maximum amount of month you get buy premium for changable.
Moved expire variable for the complete page out of the url and take the data straight from the database.
Redid the supporter page.
Added automatic rank management for premium.
Fixed a multitude of fuckups.
Added automatic premium after payment.
Added Payments class.
Changed SAKURA_VTYPE to a SAKURA_STABLE boolean that can be used for only showing things on stable or development builds.
Added topic and post counters to the frontpage.
Changed Edit icon on profiles.
Added basic topic viewing support.
Fixed bug in the friends system where getFriends() only returns one friend.
Fixed all (found) bugs related to the previously listed change.
Removed getUserProfileData() which decodes the json in the userData column and do it in the getUser() function.
Added basic topic list support.
Added support for infinite subforums.