Made some of the functions in the Configuration class more readable.
Fixed an error in the password reset process.
Changed the die() in the version checker to a trigger_error().
Put the Forum Listing and Front Page in the same PHP file as they both request nearly identical info (only difference is probably news post/forum posts).
Added a bbcode parser.
Changed the options next to the avatar on the index panel.
Removed remaining code for the old profile API.
Fixed settings page being usable when logged out.
Changed & to & in some URLs.
Added friends system.
Added notification history section contents to settings panel.
Added /header to profile for spooky things.
Redid some of the users table structure.
Added JSON indentation/pretty printing function.
Removed old deactivation checking method.
Fixed logged out users inherit permission strings from random user groups.
Added configuration option to enable template caching.
Compressed Yuuno back to one CSS file again.
Added permission checking functions.
Added base for a novelty Mio template port.
Removed chat from the global permissions (for now) and restore the old permissions table.
Fixed issue with Gzip compression in the error handler.
Readded Gzip compression.
Changed local configuration handling.
Changed database engine handling.
Removed all jQuery dependencies in ybabstat.
Fixed feedback redirect going to a deleted forum.
Altered details of the built in fallback user a bit.
Added beginning bits for the permissioning system.
Temporarily removed ybabstat.